Tag: stairs

A garden in bloom with stone stairs. Acrylics on paper.

Garden with stone stairs

A garden in bloom with stone stairs. A summer day in a luxuriant garden with green bushes abundantly adorned with pink flowers. A paved alley, a great stone jar holding delicate white flowers and a couple of yellow stone stairs create a relaxing, peaceful mood. Acrylics on paper, size A4.

The Goldsmiths Passageway (Pasajul Aurarilor), one of the medieval passageways in Sibiu, Romania. Acrylics on canvas paper, size A4

Passageways: The Goldsmiths Passageway, Sibiu

The Goldsmiths Passageway (Pasajul Aurarilor), one of the picturesque medieval passageways in Sibiu, Romania. Old shop fronts, cobbled stairs, decaying brick walls, arches and wrought iron street lamps. Acrylics on canvas paper, size A4

Rainy night, a pedestrian walking among the puddles with his umbrella. Charcoal on Bristol paper, size A4

Rainy night

On a rainy night a pedestrian is walking among the puddles with his umbrella, on his way home. A streetlamp, only partially visible, is casting light reflections on the wet sidewalk. Charcoal on Bristol paper, size A4

Brick stairs and a lazy cat in a sleepy street in Matera, Italy. Photo reference by Vlad Eftenie. Oils on canvas panel, palette knife painting, 30x30cm

Brick stairs in a sleepy Italian street

Brick stairs and a lazy cat in a sleepy street in Matera, Italy. Photo reference by Vlad Eftenie. Cobblestones, green plants, doors under arches and silence. All is quiet during siesta. Oils on canvas panel, palette knife painting, 30x30cm

A farm girl in her kitchen door. Oils on canvas panel, 30x4 cm

The Kitchen Door

A farm girl in her kitchen door. Is she taking a break for a breath of fresh air? Or is she waiting for her family to join the dinner table? Based on a photo by Nathan Benn, taken for National Geographic (1973). Oils on canvas panel, 30×4 cm