Tag: shadows

A lake in winter. Oil painting on canvas panel, 25x35 cm in a black frame with gilded liner.

A lake in winter

Oil painting on canvas panel, 25×35 cm. A winter landscape with a lake surrounded by fir trees, and a small cabin in the distance. Everything is covered in snow and the shadows and light create interesting effects. Inspired by a photo by Mieke Fielmich

Shadows - portrait of a person wearing a hoodie to hide from the strong sunlight. White chalk sketch on black paper, A4


White chalk sketch on black paper, 21×30 cm

A winter night in a rural area, with a snow-covered street, two wooden houses and trees. The full moon casts interesting shadows on the snow and icicles hang from the rooftops. Charcoal and white chalk drawing on black paper

Winter night by full moon

A winter night in a rural area, with a snow-covered street, two wooden houses and trees. The full moon casts interesting shadows on the snow and icicles hang from the rooftops. Charcoal and white chalk drawing on black paper, 24×32 cm

Yellow - room in disarray, with a bottle half-empty, a scarf forgotten on a pedestal and a lit candle coloring everything in yellow and casting huge shadows. Charcoal and white chalk on yellow paper, 32x24 cm


A room in disarray, with a bottle half-empty, a scarf forgotten on a pedestal and a lit candle coloring everything in yellow and casting huge shadows. Charcoal and white chalk on yellow paper, 32×24 cm

Backlit girl portrait, white chalk on black paper, 24x32 cm

Backlit – girl silhouette

Backlit girl portrait or a girl in silhouette. Backlit portraits (silhouette drawings) are mysterious and attractive because of the interesting play of lights and shadows, that only suggest, but not show the entire face or figure of the subject. White chalk on black paper, 24×32 cm

The white picket fence with rose bushes and filtered shadows. Oils on stretched canvas, palette knife painting, 40x30 cm. One of the loveliest landscapes by Manu Fine Art

The white picket fence

A street under the bright summer sun, with a white picket fence and brick pillars, enclosing a garden with rose bushes. Filtered shadows are dancing on the ground. Oils on stretched canvas, palette knife painting, 40×30 cm

Underpainting for a verdaccio self-portrait. Oils on stretched canvas, 40x40 cm

Verdaccio portrait, the underpainting

I am currently experimenting a portrait technique used by the Old Masters, called verdaccio. Basically it consists of an underpainting in tones of green (Terra Verde) serving to locate and render the highlights and shadows of the portrait in the most accurate manner, over which it would be applied the […]