Tag: charcoal

Shadows - portrait of a person wearing a hoodie to hide from the strong sunlight. White chalk sketch on black paper, A4


White chalk sketch on black paper, 21×30 cm

A winter night in a rural area, with a snow-covered street, two wooden houses and trees. The full moon casts interesting shadows on the snow and icicles hang from the rooftops. Charcoal and white chalk drawing on black paper

Winter night by full moon

A winter night in a rural area, with a snow-covered street, two wooden houses and trees. The full moon casts interesting shadows on the snow and icicles hang from the rooftops. Charcoal and white chalk drawing on black paper, 24×32 cm

Portrait of a man, wearing a look of worry and concern and bracing himself for a difficult decision. Charcoal on paper, 24x32 cm


Portrait of a man, wearing a look of worry and concern and bracing himself for a difficult decision. Vine charcoal on paper, 24×32 cm.

Charcoal sketch of a canyon, working on a better rendering of rocks and water. 20x20 cm charcoal drawing in my A4 sketchbook.


Charcoal sketch of a canyon, working on a better rendering of rocks and water. 20×20 cm charcoal drawing in my A4 sketchbook.

Thoughtful teenage boy. Vine charcoal on Canson paper, 36x48 cm

Teenage boy, thoughtful

A spontaneous, stylized, poster portrait of a teenage boy. Vine charcoal on Canson paper, 36×48 cm.

Far away - portrait of a young woman resting her head on her hand and drifting away in thoughts. Vine charcoal on paper

Drifting away

Far away – portrait of a young woman resting her head on her hand and drifting away in thoughts. A practice on foreshortening drawing, inspired by a pose I saw in a photography group. Vine charcoal on paper, 32×24 cm

The delicate white of the calla lily on a pitch black background. Charcoal on paper, 32x24 cm

Calla lily

The delicate white of the calla lily on a pitch black background. Charcoal on paper, 32×24 cm

Still life in black and white. A balloon, a metallic barrel and a vase of flowers. White chalk on black paper, 24x32 cm

Black and white

Still life in black and white, featuring a black balloon, a black metallic barrel and white flowers, everything in a dark room but with strong white highlights. White chalk on black paper, 24×32 cm

Tired old man, sepia on paper, 24x32 cm

Tired old man

Portrait of a tired old man with a sad but determined look in his eyes, in a moment of respite. He has a worn shirt on and his hair, eyebrows, mustache and beard are sprinkled with white. Sepia on paper, 24×32 cm.