Tag: bottle

Yellow - room in disarray, with a bottle half-empty, a scarf forgotten on a pedestal and a lit candle coloring everything in yellow and casting huge shadows. Charcoal and white chalk on yellow paper, 32x24 cm


A room in disarray, with a bottle half-empty, a scarf forgotten on a pedestal and a lit candle coloring everything in yellow and casting huge shadows. Charcoal and white chalk on yellow paper, 32×24 cm

Still life with a yellow bottle holding a twig and dried leaves. Acrylics on gessoed heavy paper, 24x32 cm

The yellow bottle

Still life with a yellow bottle holding a twig and dried leaves, casting their shadow on a red and white wall. Acrylics on gessoed heavy paper, 24×32 cm

Girl reading on a lake pier. Charcoal on Bristol board, size A4

Reading on a lake pier

Girl reading a book on a lake pier. She is seated on a striped sheet spread on the wooden planks, wears a straw hat with a ribbon and keeps a water bottle handy. Charcoal on Bristol paper, size A4

Still life with colored glass bottles and reflections. oils on canvas panel, 20x30 cm

Colored glass bottles

Still life with colored glass bottles and reflections. Oils on canvas panel, 20×30 cm

From the "Emotions" series: "Woman, laughing out loud", the portrait of a red-headed woman wearing a black hat, holding a bottle of water, and getting into a burst of laughter. Sanguine, sepia and charcoal on yellow toned paper, 24x32 cm

Laughing out loud

From the “Emotions” series: “Woman, laughing out loud”, the portrait of a red-headed woman wearing a black hat, holding a bottle of water, and getting into a burst of laughter. Sanguine, sepia and charcoal on yellow paper, 24×32 cm