
Reason vs Force - a man walking on a railroad while a train is approaching from behind. Inspired by the poem Drumul (The Road) by Marin Sorescu, Romanian poet and playwright. White chalk on black paper, 32x50 cm

Reason vs Force

This is a tribute to Marin Sorescu, Romanian poet and playwright, whose birthday we commemorate February, 29. It was inspired by his poem “The Road“, an ode to the superiority of Reason vs blind force. In the midst of the dramatic events developing these days it is crucial to remember […]

Marin Sorescu, poet și dramaturg român,autorul poeziei Drumul

The Road

by Marin Sorescu, Romanian poet  by Marin Sorescu, Romanian poet Deep in thought and hands behind my back I’m walking on the railway, The straightest possible road. From behind, at full speed, A train is approaching That never heard about me. This train – old Zeno be my witness – […]

Marin Sorescu, poet și dramaturg român,autorul poeziei Drumul

Le Chemin

par Marin Sorescu, poète Romain Pensif, les mains derrière le dos, Je marche le long des rails, Le chemin le plus droit Imaginable. De derrière, impétueusement, Vient un train Qui n’a jamais entendu de moi. Ce train – le vieux Zénon m’en est témoin – Ne m’atteindra jamais, Parce ce […]

Marin Sorescu, poet și dramaturg român,autorul poeziei Drumul


 de Marin Sorescu Gânditor şi cu mâinile la spate Merg pe calea ferată, Drumul cel mai drept Cu putinţă. Din spatele meu, cu viteză, Vine un tren Care n-a auzit nimic despre mine. Acest tren – martor mi-e Zenon bătrânul – Nu mă va ajunge niciodată, Pentru că eu mereu […]